Phygital Sports in Full Gear: A Week of Unmatched Excitement and Competition

Phygital Sports in Full Gear: A Week of Unmatched Excitement and Competition

It’s been an exciting week for phygital sports, with the GOTF Majors showcasing incredible skill and talent from phygital athletes around the world. All the core disciplines have enjoyed high-octane action including Phygital Football, Phygital Basketball, Phygital Dancing, and Phygital Shooter featuring athletes and teams from four continents – including the United States, Brazil, Bosnia, Montenegro, Nigeria to name just a few.

The GOTF Majors has been a qualification round to remember. A glittering display of the very best of phygital sports, the tournaments have been an exhilarating, worldwide celebration of talent and hard work that mark a significant milestone on the road to the Games of the Future 2025 in the UAE.

Each event was organized to perfection by World Phygital Community (WPC) members, who brought their unique strengths to deliver world-class competitions that were as culturally vibrant as they were professionally executed. With strong local community engagement and support from governments worldwide, the GOTF Majors have become a pivotal moment for the phygital sports movement.

As the GOTF Majors approach their conclusion, the next qualification rounds for the 2025 Games are just around the corner. Stay tuned for further updates!

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