Questions and Answers

  • 1.1. When application for WPC can be sent to WPC?

    Documents upon WPC joining as an LPM (Local Phygital Member) are to be posted after July 15, 2024

    1.2. How long the application is considered by WPC?

    Your application must pass through several stages before an access can be made

    1.3. Where to get application for WPC membership?

    The application will be posted to WPC web-site after July 15, 2024

    1.4. Which membership classes are there at WPC?

    The classes of membership are established by the Articles of Association of WPC and provide for the following classes:

    1. Founder Member;
    2. Full Member;
    3. Associate Member.

    All candidates are invited to join WPC as associate member

    1.5. How much is the membership fee?

    Associate Member: 100 USD
    Full Member: 500 USD

    1.6. When the membership fee should be paid?

    The Applicant shall pay the Membership Fee at the same time as submitting the Membership Application, Application will be taken for consideration only after the membersip payment is received by WPC

    1.7. Who can join WPC?

    Any association, organization, institution, partnership, sole proprietorship, society, club, university, college, schools, entity, governmental or regulatory body, agency, division or other bodies desiring to admit as a Member. Individuals cannot become WPC members, only legal entities can become WPC members

    1.8. Does WPC member need to be an official federation/association?

    not required

    1.9. Which logo and brand can a local phygital organization use?

    in accordance with the requirements of the official Brand Book, which will be posted to WPC web-site after July 15, 2024

    1.10. What name a newly established local phygital organization can use?

    in accordance to the official Brand Book & confirmation of WPC

    1.11. How many WPC members there can be from one country?

    Each WPC member can develop any number of phygital disciplines. If a member is not ready to develop some phygital disciplines, another member from the same country may be accepted into the WPC to develop such phygital disciplines. Only one member from one country can develop one phygital discipline. WPC’s purpose to ensure that all phygital disciplines (especially the rated phygital disciplines) are developed in a country.

    1.12. How many disciplines a WPC member can develop?

    At least 1 phygital discipline

    1.13. Which membership class a WPC candidate can get as a new member?

    All candidates are invited to join WPC as associate member

    1.14. Are there confiderations in the WPC?

    Currently there are no confiderations in WPC

    1.15. Does WPC support members financially?

    Currently WPC does not support members financially

    1.16. Do WPC members need to share revenues received from local sponsors?

    WPC does not require members to share revenues from local sponsors

    1.17. Will WPC be conducting educational programs in partner countries?

    The WPC held a World Phygital Summit and plans to continue holding meetings with partners for further development of the phygital movement.

    1.18. Will WPC develop or help to develop phygital infrastructure in partner countries?

    WPC provides:

    1. official local representative status
    2. rules, regulations & brand guidelines
    3. IT solutions for phygital competitions
    4. Phygital ratings system
    5. Expertise, consultancy & support

    1.19. Being an LPC representative in one country may I represent other countries as well to deliver phygital tournaments there?

    A partner can represent only 1 country (country of residence) to deliver tournaments. Phygital teams from other countries are able to take part in your tournaments. You can invite others to participate.

    1.20 Is there a requirement for a WPC candidate to establish a separate entity to apply for WPC membership?

    There is no requirement to establish a separate entity to apply for WPC, you can apply with the existing legal entity and estabish a separate phygital organization or federation later which can replace the existing member afterwards.

  • 2.1. How to get team to GOTF-25

    1. Choose a phygital discipline
    2. Fill in the template for approval by WPC
    3. Organize tournament as per approved template
    4. Provides confirmation that the tournament complies with the template
    5. Get a rating for your team
    6. 1-2 team from tournament rating will go directly to GOTF, places from 3-26 in tournament ranking willl go to GOTF qualification

    2.2. Is there a calendar for in-country regional and national tournaments?

    Start of In-Country Regional Qualifiers – 01.10.2024 (application to be submitted before 01.09.2024)
    End of In-Country Regional Qualifiers – 30.11.2024

    Start of National Tournaments – 01.12.2024 (application to be submitted before 01.11.2024)
    End of National Tournaments – 30.01.2025

    2.3. Can WPC members arrange tournaments outside the tournaments calendar?

    WPC Ranking System contains a system of penalties for holding tournaments outside specified dates and deadlines designated by the WPC. Please take this into consideration while planning your future activities. Full pack of documentation needed to hold tournaments will be finalised by 15th July 2024

    2.4. For which disciplines the slots for GOTF will be provided?

    Rated phygital disciplines:
    1. phygital football,
    2. phygital basketball,
    3. phygital shooting,
    4. phygital dance

    2.5. When tournaments requirements will be available?

    Documents are to be posted after July 15, 2024

    2.6. When the final rating will be published?

    WPC rating system will be officially published after national tournaments on February 10, 2025 (for 2024-2025 tournaments season)

    2.7. Is in-country regional qualifier obligatory to get slot for GOTF?

    In-country regional tournaments is not obligatory to get slot for GOTF. National Tournament is obligatory. The best team of the national tournament can receive slot in GOTF directly, other teams – in GOTF qualification.

    2.8. Does WPC member need to get a pre-approval for the rated tournament?

    Yes, in order to get rating for the rated phygital tournament WPC member should apply for the rated tournament to WPC as per the procedure to be posted after July 15, 2024

    The tournament calendar and application deadlines for 2024-2025 tournaments season:

    Start of In-Country Regional Qualifiers – 01.10.2024 (application to be submitted before 01.09.2024)
    End of In-Country Regional Qualifiers – 30.11.2024

    Start of National Tournaments – 01.12.2024 (application to be submitted before 01.11.2024)
    End of National Tournaments – 30.01.2025

    2.9. How the rating is calculated?

    The rating is calculated as per the Rating system to be posted after July 15, 2024

    2.10. Can national tournament be arranged with participation of the foreign teams?

    Yes, upon approval by WPC

    2.11. Are there any requirements for in-country regional and national tournaments?

    Yes. The requirements are described in the WPC Rule Book.

    2.12. How to get the highest possible rating for a team?

    The Phygital International Club ranking is determined by the Clubs’ tournament performances in the Phygital International Ecosystem. The club ranking also depends on the WPC member’ ranking and the class of phygital athletes the club enrolls. More details are available in the WPC Rule Book

    2.13. How many slots will be for WPC members in GOTF-2025?

    Total number of slots is 16.
    2 slots – Host City Clubs
    2 slots – 1st and 2nd places in the Tournament rankings among all WPC
    4 slots – 1st, 2nd, 3d and 4th places of GOTF Qualifiers
    2 slots – The best and 2nd best Clubs according to GOTF Qualifiers ranking*
    6 slots – Invite PI
    *- If the highest-rated Clubs are those that took 1st to 4th places in GOTF
    Qualifiers, then the next highest-rated Clubs will be taken into account.

    2.14. How to secure the phygital disciplines by a partner if there is another partner in the country?

    To register Phygital Federation supported by local Government

    2.15 Will WPC share games licences to deliver Local or National Phygital Tournaments?

    Licenses to use the videogames and simulators for the National or Local Phygital tournaments delivering are on behalf of the authorized partner (LPC). If you are interested in having licences to deliver National or Local phygital tournaments & you need any help regarding that, please let us know.

  • 3.1. Which disciplines will be at GOTF-25

    The exact number and names of phygital disciplines at GOTF-25 will be known by the end of August 2024.

    3.2. How to apply with a team for non-phygital disciplines?

    The slots for GOTF-25 for non-rated phygital disciplines are not guaranteed. Phygital International will seek teams through direct invites.