Celebrating Success from the GOTF Minors and Majors: Official Rankings of WPC Members and Clubs

We’re excited to share the official rankings of our members and clubs, showing the amazing progress made in this first competition cycle.

These rankings are a glimpse into the future of phygital sports—where the stakes are higher, the competition fiercer, and the rewards greater. Stay tuned as the next steps unfold, and prepare for even more groundbreaking moments!

The rankings have been announced for three categories:

Tournament Ranking of Clubs per Discipline
WPC Member Rankings
Summary Ranking of Clubs per Discipline
Tournament Ranking of Clubs per Discipline

The rankings of the clubs that either won their GOTF Major or were the highest rated club from each WPC member, placed 1st – 26th per discipline. Clubs ranked 1st and 2nd will qualify directly to GOTF 2025. Clubs ranked 3rd – 26th will participate in the GOTF Qualifiers with a chance to earn a spot at GOTF 2025.

Club WPC Member Country Club pts. WPC Member pts. Total pts.
1 Intercosmics Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 52 267 138,84
2 R10 Team Phygital Brasil Brazil 62 204 126,48
3 BC Moskovskiy ADCS Russian Federation 47 264 124,08
4 LOJ ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 42 248 104,16
5 NAKAHI Guatemalan Esports Association Guatemala 47 210 98,70
6 GUNIT Alliance of electronic sports of Montenegro Montenegro 34 259 88,06
7 ADRIA ALL STAR Serbian Phygital federation Serbia 44 179 78,76
8 Bad Boys CATCE Cameroon 42 173 72,66
9 Nukus FPSU Uzbekistan 42 172 72,24
10 XTX Ghana Esports Federation Ghana 41 165 67,65
11 BONES Belarusian Federation of Phygital Sport Belarus 34 196 66,64
12 Raiders Baruta Venezuelan Federation of Electronic Sports Venezuela 42 136 57,12
13 Derventa EADRIATICLEAGUE Bosnia and Herzegovina 34 155 52,70
14 BIG BALL FASO GAMERS ASSOCIATION Burkina Faso 42 110 46,20
15 EREBUNI AHL Armenia 34 100 34,00
Club WPC Member Country Club pts. WPC Member pts. Total pts.
1 RFSO Lokomotiv ADCS Russian Federation 86 264 227,04
2 CD HOLCATTES Guatemalan Esports Association Guatemala 72 210 151,20
3 CM eSports Phygital Brasil Brazil 62 204 126,48
4 Team Joga Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 42 267 112,14
5 La Crema DEVA Argentina 62 171 106,02
6 Armadillos FC ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 42 248 104,16
7 ALKHDOUR FC Dallah Holding Qatar 69 148 102,12
8 KMF Titograd Alliance of electronic sports of Montenegro Montenegro 34 259 88,06
9 Street Ball Phygital Sport LLC Armenia 44 195 85,80
10 Peñarol Asociacion Uruguaya de Deportes Virtuales Uruguay 59 143 84,37
11 Team Santa CATCE Cameroon 42 173 72,66
12 Navai FPSU Uzbekistan 41 172 70,52
13 AFTER 6 Ghana Esports Federation Ghana 42 165 69,30
14 DYNAMITE Belarusian Federation of Phygital Sport Belarus 34 196 66,64
15 JR Style Omani Gaming and Esports committee Oman 54 105 56,70
16 Xtreme Lungiz BYDESA Bangladesh 52 108 56,16
17 Al3yala Electronic Games Association in Iraq Iraq 41 134 54,94
18 Greni Smith EADRIATICLEAGUE Bosnia and Herzegovina 34 155 52,70
19 POWER FC Infinity Citizens Ltd. Nigeria 41 128 52,48
20 OPIRATES 5 1Pro Sports Group South Africa 42 115 48,30
21 Issa Team Electronic Sports Kenya Federation Kenya 42 115 48,30
22 Team Beo SAFESE Serbia 42 115 48,30
23 Gentle neighbours E-športna zveza Slovnenije Slovenia 33 143 47,19
24 CAMP I AMPCE Mali 42 110 46,20
25 PGM Covic Croatian eSports Federation Croatia 33 125 41,25
26 CEFL PHYGITAL E.P.S. Virtual Gaming Cyprus Cyprus 34 114 38,76
Club WPC Member Country Club pts. WPC Member pts. Total pts.
1 Fominykh Konstantin ADCS Russian Federation 47 264 124,08
2 Doraily Salinas Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 42 267 112,14
3 Dion Visser Alliance of electronic sports of Montenegro Montenegro 42 259 108,78
4 YukoAoi ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 42 248 104,16
5 Andy Choy Guatemalan Esports Association Guatemala 42 210 88,20
6 Senga Valery CATCE Cameroon 50 173 86,50
7 Tiago Silva Phygital Brasil Brazil 42 204 85,68
8 Tashkent FPSU Uzbekistan 42 172 72,24
9 JustBlueArg DEVA Argentina 42 171 71,82
10 DANIIL CHARAPKO Belarusian Federation of Phygital Sport Belarus 34 196 66,64
11 Margarita Badoyan Phygital Sport LLC Armenia 34 195 66,30
12 Igor Mrzić Serbian Phygital federation Serbia 34 179 60,86
13 Enmanuel Venezuelan Federation of Electronic Sports Venezuela 42 136 57,12
14 Marian Buenos Tiempos SAS Colombia 42 134 56,28
Club WPC Member Country Club pts. WPC Member pts. Total pts.
1 Donstu Esports ADCS Russian Federation 77 264 203,28
2 Team FFD Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 46 267 122,82
3 Marca Registrada ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 46 248 114,08
4 ENDFASTPLS Alliance of electronic sports of Montenegro Montenegro 34 259 88,06
5 Zero Tenacity National Serbian E-Sports Association Serbia 63 128 80,64
6 Minsk House Belarusian Federation of Phygital Sport Belarus 39 196 76,44
7 Ex-NG Electronic Games Association in Iraq Iraq 46 134 61,64
WPC Member Rankings

The rankings of all the WPC members who hosted the GOTF Minors and Majors

WPC Member Country WPC Member pts.
1 PSUI USA 267
2 ADCS Russia 264
3 Alliance of electronic sports of Montenegro Montenegro 259
5 Guatemalan Esports Association Guatemala 210
6 PB Brazil 204
7 Belarusian Federation of Phygital Sport Belarus 196
8 PS LLC Armenia 195
9 SPF Serbia 179
10 Cameroon Association for technology and Cultural Exchange Cameroon 173
11 FPSU Uzbekistan 172
12 DEVA Argentina 171
13 GEF Ghana 165
14 EADRIATICLEAGUE Bosnia and Herzegovina 155
15 Dallah Holding Qatar 148
16 Asociacion Uruguaya de Deportes Virtuales Uruguay 143
17 E-športna zveza Slovnenije Slovenia 143
18 FVDE Venezuela 136
19 Buenos Tiempos SAS Colombia 134
20 Electronic Games Association in Iraq Iraq 134
21 Infinity Citizens Ltd. Nigeria 128
22 NSEA Serbia 128
23 HESS Croatia 125
24 EKF Kenya 115
25 1ProSG South Africa 115
26 Serbian Association For Electronic Sports and Esports Serbia 115
27 E.P.S. Virtual Gaming Cyprus Cyprus 114
28 AMPCE Mali 110
30 BYDESA Bangladesh 108
31 OGEC Oman 105
32 AHL Armenia 100
Summary Ranking of Clubs per Discipline

The rankings of all the clubs who participated in the GOTF Minors and Majors across the four core disciplines – Phygital Football, Phygital Basketball, Phygital Shooter and Phygital Dancing.

Club WPC Member Country Club pts. WPC Member pts. Total pts.
1 Intercosmics Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 52 267 138,84
2 R10 Team Phygital Brasil Brazil 62 204 126,48
3 BC Moskovskiy ADCS Russian Federation 47 264 124,08
4 UnstopaBall Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 40 267 106,80
5 LOJ ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 42 248 104,16
6 Sustainable Trash Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 38 267 101,46
7 CD HOLCATTES Guatemalan Esports Association Guatemala 48 210 100,80
8 NAKAHI Guatemalan Esports Association Guatemala 47 210 98,70
9 GUNIT Alliance of electronic sports of Montenegro Montenegro 34 259 88,06
10 ADRIA ALL STAR Serbian Phygital federation Serbia 44 179 78,76
11 Rocket Team ADCS Russian Federation 28 264 73,92
12 Bad Boys CATCE Cameroon 42 173 72,66
13 Nukus FPSU Uzbekistan 42 172 72,24
14 Copos ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 28 248 69,44
15 XTX Ghana Esports Federation Ghana 41 165 67,65
16 BONES Belarusian Federation of Phygital Sport Belarus 34 196 66,64
17 Team Puerto Rico Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 24 267 64,08
18 SIBE Team ADCS Russian Federation 24 264 63,36
19 Aliens 51 3×3 Mexico ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 24 248 59,52
20 Raiders Baruta Venezuelan Federation of Electronic Sports Venezuela 42 136 57,12
21 Joinville Phygital Brasil Brazil 27 204 55,08
22 Area 51 3×3 Mexico ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 22 248 54,56
23 Zeon ADCS Russian Federation 20 264 52,80
24 Derventa EADRIATICLEAGUE Bosnia and Herzegovina 34 155 52,70
25 GRAFOMATEX Alliance of electronic sports of Montenegro Montenegro 20 259 51,80
26 Greena Ballers ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 20 248 49,60
27 I. Jpadola Phygital Brasil Brazil 24 204 48,96
28 The Warriors CATCE Cameroon 28 173 48,44
29 GRUTAS DRM Guatemalan Esports Association Guatemala 23 210 48,30
30 SUEMP Guatemalan Esports Association Guatemala 23 210 48,30
31 Samarkand FPSU Uzbekistan 28 172 48,16
32 BIG BALL FASO GAMERS ASSOCIATION Burkina Faso 42 110 46,20
33 ICONLABS Ghana Esports Federation Ghana 28 165 46,20
34 Santos Phygital Brasil Brazil 22 204 44,88
35 BBC’s CATCE Cameroon 24 173 41,52
36 DG PHYGITAL Alliance of electronic sports of Montenegro Montenegro 16 259 41,44
37 Tashkent city-1 FPSU Uzbekistan 24 172 41,28
38 Centro Olimpico Phygital Brasil Brazil 20 204 40,80
39 PSN1 Guatemalan Esports Association Guatemala 19 210 39,90
40 UralBasket ADCS Russian Federation 15 264 39,60
41 4 PEAT Ghana Esports Federation Ghana 24 165 39,60
42 Echelon Belarusian Federation of Phygital Sport Belarus 20 196 39,20
43 ARNW Venezuelan Federation of Electronic Sports Venezuela 28 136 38,08
44 SOLOLA Guatemalan Esports Association Guatemala 18 210 37,80
45 Shooters Lab Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 14 267 37,38
46 Parma Kiber ADCS Russian Federation 14 264 36,96
47 KREMLIN DRAGONS ADCS Russian Federation 14 264 36,96
48 WILD BOARS Serbian Phygital federation Serbia 20 179 35,80
49 The Heat Evolution CATCE Cameroon 20 173 34,60
50 Jizzakh FPSU Uzbekistan 20 172 34,40
51 EREBUNI AHL Armenia 34 100 34,00
52 GALAXY Ghana Esports Federation Ghana 20 165 33,00
53 Halcones de Petares Venezuelan Federation of Electronic Sports Venezuela 24 136 32,64
54 NY Stars Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 12 267 32,04
55 Undeniable Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 12 267 32,04
56 Green Beans Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 12 267 32,04
57 Reloaded fam Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 12 267 32,04
58 Centr Kibersporta ADCS Russian Federation 12 264 31,68
59 MGAFK ADCS Russian Federation 12 264 31,68
60 Feniks-Rostov ADCS Russian Federation 12 264 31,68
61 Plekhanov ADCS Russian Federation 12 264 31,68
62 Notateam Belarusian Federation of Phygital Sport Belarus 16 196 31,36
63 PHYGITAL DOMINATORS Alliance of electronic sports of Montenegro Montenegro 12 259 31,08
64 3×3 Vozdovac EADRIATICLEAGUE Bosnia and Herzegovina 20 155 31,00
66 All Stars ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 12 248 29,76
67 A51 Mexico 3×3 ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 12 248 29,76
68 Volcanes ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 12 248 29,76
69 SPORTSKA GIM Serbian Phygital federation Serbia 16 179 28,64
70 La Dolorita Venezuelan Federation of Electronic Sports Venezuela 20 136 27,20
71 The Reel Hoopers Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 10 267 26,70
72 Cestaro Loss Phygital Brasil Brazil 13 204 26,52
73 The Explandabie FASO GAMERS ASSOCIATION Burkina Faso 24 110 26,40
74 PSN2 Guatemalan Esports Association Guatemala 12 210 25,20
75 RAPTORS Guatemalan Esports Association Guatemala 12 210 25,20
76 Team Kobe EADRIATICLEAGUE Bosnia and Herzegovina 16 155 24,80
77 Fenix SP Phygital Brasil Brazil 12 204 24,48
78 Guaruba Phygital Brasil Brazil 12 204 24,48
79 Who-Basket Belarusian Federation of Phygital Sport Belarus 12 196 23,52
81 MATEMATICKA Serbian Phygital federation Serbia 12 179 21,48
82 ELECT Ghana Esports Federation Ghana 13 165 21,45
83 PSN3 Guatemalan Esports Association Guatemala 10 210 21,00
84 Meteore CATCE Cameroon 12 173 20,76
85 The Heat Supreme CATCE Cameroon 12 173 20,76
86 NGON CATCE Cameroon 12 173 20,76
87 The Heat Matrix CATCE Cameroon 12 173 20,76
88 Karshi FPSU Uzbekistan 12 172 20,64
89 Namangan FPSU Uzbekistan 12 172 20,64
90 Kharezm FPSU Uzbekistan 12 172 20,64
91 Bukhara FPSU Uzbekistan 12 172 20,64
92 WIN 3 AHL Armenia 20 100 20,00
93 UNDERDOGS Ghana Esports Federation Ghana 12 165 19,80
94 ICONICS Ghana Esports Federation Ghana 12 165 19,80
95 NIGHT Ghana Esports Federation Ghana 12 165 19,80
96 Prijedor Abakus EADRIATICLEAGUE Bosnia and Herzegovina 12 155 18,60
97 Araguaney Venezuelan Federation of Electronic Sports Venezuela 12 136 16,32
98 Industriales Guarenas Venezuelan Federation of Electronic Sports Venezuela 12 136 16,32
99 J11 Evolution Venezuelan Federation of Electronic Sports Venezuela 12 136 16,32
100 Los Arcos Venezuelan Federation of Electronic Sports Venezuela 12 136 16,32
101 FOXES AHL Armenia 16 100 16,00
102 MASINSKA SKOLA Serbian Phygital federation Serbia 8 179 14,32
103 City Rippers FASO GAMERS ASSOCIATION Burkina Faso 12 110 13,20
104 TEAM UCO FASO GAMERS ASSOCIATION Burkina Faso 12 110 13,20
105 HOOPERS FASO GAMERS ASSOCIATION Burkina Faso 12 110 13,20
106 AKATSUKI FASO GAMERS ASSOCIATION Burkina Faso 12 110 13,20
107 Cerex EADRIATICLEAGUE Bosnia and Herzegovina 8 155 12,40
108 FRESH BLOOD AHL Armenia 12 100 12,00
109 Theydoubtedus Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 4 267 10,68
110 The AK Warriors Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 4 267 10,68
111 Vortex Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 4 267 10,68
112 Pegas ADCS Russian Federation 4 264 10,56
113 R2D2 ADCS Russian Federation 4 264 10,56
114 ADOK Alliance of electronic sports of Montenegro Montenegro 4 259 10,36
115 ZDR Alliance of electronic sports of Montenegro Montenegro 4 259 10,36
116 Los Invencibles ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 4 248 9,92
117 Tlatoanis ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 4 248 9,92
118 Iztacciahuatl ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 4 248 9,92
119 Leones ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 4 248 9,92
120 EL BARRIO Guatemalan Esports Association Guatemala 4 210 8,40
121 SPACE BALLERS Guatemalan Esports Association Guatemala 4 210 8,40
122 THUNDER Guatemalan Esports Association Guatemala 4 210 8,40
123 PSN4 Guatemalan Esports Association Guatemala 4 210 8,40
124 Atitude Phygital Brasil Brazil 4 204 8,16
125 PHD Phygital Brasil Brazil 4 204 8,16
126 305 Arena Phygital Brasil Brazil 4 204 8,16
127 Capitals Phygital Brasil Brazil 4 204 8,16
128 Cacao Belarusian Federation of Phygital Sport Belarus 4 196 7,84
129 ACADEMY Belarusian Federation of Phygital Sport Belarus 4 196 7,84
130 BEAC CATCE Cameroon 4 173 6,92
131 The Heat Alpha CATCE Cameroon 4 173 6,92
132 Dream Team CATCE Cameroon 4 173 6,92
133 Phygital FPSU Uzbekistan 4 172 6,88
134 Gulistan FPSU Uzbekistan 4 172 6,88
135 Tashkent region FPSU Uzbekistan 4 172 6,88
136 Termez FPSU Uzbekistan 4 172 6,88
137 RIPPERS Ghana Esports Federation Ghana 4 165 6,60
138 SCOPIONS Ghana Esports Federation Ghana 4 165 6,60
139 RAMPAGE Ghana Esports Federation Ghana 4 165 6,60
140 SWISH Ghana Esports Federation Ghana 4 165 6,60
141 Kalčopoli EADRIATICLEAGUE Bosnia and Herzegovina 4 155 6,20
142 Cristobal Rojas Venezuelan Federation of Electronic Sports Venezuela 4 136 5,44
143 Pásala Saúl Venezuelan Federation of Electronic Sports Venezuela 4 136 5,44
144 Independencia Venezuelan Federation of Electronic Sports Venezuela 4 136 5,44
145 Haciendita Venezuelan Federation of Electronic Sports Venezuela 4 136 5,44
146 ZONA 21 Serbian Phygital federation Serbia 3 179 5,37
147 SAABA Slashers FASO GAMERS ASSOCIATION Burkina Faso 4 110 4,40
151 TUMO AHL Armenia 4 100 4,00
152 URARTU AHL Armenia 4 100 4,00
153 SPORTIUM Serbian Phygital federation Serbia 1 179 1,79
154 NYC Bombers Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 0 267 0,00
155 Fijiju Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 0 267 0,00
156 Glo Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 0 267 0,00
157 Udmurtiya ADCS Russian Federation 0 264 0,00
158 Ugra Reset ADCS Russian Federation 0 264 0,00
159 Bionord ADCS Russian Federation 0 264 0,00
160 FUSION Alliance of electronic sports of Montenegro Montenegro 0 259 0,00
161 DEEPTEAM Alliance of electronic sports of Montenegro Montenegro 0 259 0,00
162 Asteroides ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 0 248 0,00
163 Cold Hearts ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 0 248 0,00
164 Refugiados ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 0 248 0,00
165 Jaguares ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 0 248 0,00
166 HAWKS Guatemalan Esports Association Guatemala 0 210 0,00
167 WARRIORS Guatemalan Esports Association Guatemala 0 210 0,00
168 FENIX Guatemalan Esports Association Guatemala 0 210 0,00
169 Bisons Phygital Brasil Brazil 0 204 0,00
170 Asas Phygital Brasil Brazil 0 204 0,00
171 Studio 78 Phygital Brasil Brazil 0 204 0,00
172 Kaleman Phygital Brasil Brazil 0 204 0,00
173 Khimik Belarusian Federation of Phygital Sport Belarus 0 196 0,00
174 Brave Belarusian Federation of Phygital Sport Belarus 0 196 0,00
175 ETS TESLA Serbian Phygital federation Serbia 0 179 0,00
176 Rim Reapers CATCE Cameroon 0 173 0,00
177 Team Squad CATCE Cameroon 0 173 0,00
178 Kryptons CATCE Cameroon 0 173 0,00
179 Eternite Basketball CATCE Cameroon 0 173 0,00
180 The Lion CATCE Cameroon 0 173 0,00
181 Navai FPSU Uzbekistan 0 172 0,00
182 Ferghana FPSU Uzbekistan 0 172 0,00
183 Andijan FPSU Uzbekistan 0 172 0,00
184 Tashkent city-2 FPSU Uzbekistan 0 172 0,00
185 ATOMICS Ghana Esports Federation Ghana 0 165 0,00
186 HARITAGE Ghana Esports Federation Ghana 0 165 0,00
187 OBLOCK Ghana Esports Federation Ghana 0 165 0,00
188 CLAW Ghana Esports Federation Ghana 0 165 0,00
189 Musketiri EADRIATICLEAGUE Bosnia and Herzegovina 0 155 0,00
190 Skakači EADRIATICLEAGUE Bosnia and Herzegovina 0 155 0,00
191 Maikol Lopez Venezuelan Federation of Electronic Sports Venezuela 0 136 0,00
192 Cimarrones de Guatire Venezuelan Federation of Electronic Sports Venezuela 0 136 0,00
193 Los Angeles Venezuelan Federation of Electronic Sports Venezuela 0 136 0,00
194 Titanes de Turumo Venezuelan Federation of Electronic Sports Venezuela 0 136 0,00
195 XXX FASO GAMERS ASSOCIATION Burkina Faso 0 110 0,00
196 YYY FASO GAMERS ASSOCIATION Burkina Faso 0 110 0,00
197 ZZZ FASO GAMERS ASSOCIATION Burkina Faso 0 110 0,00
198 WWW FASO GAMERS ASSOCIATION Burkina Faso 0 110 0,00
199 YEREVAN AHL Armenia 0 100 0,00
200 BKMA AHL Armenia 0 100 0,00
Club WPC Member Country Club pts. WPC Member pts. Total pts.
1 RFSO Lokomotiv ADCS Russian Federation 86 264 227,04
2 CD HOLCATTES Guatemalan Esports Association Guatemala 72 210 151,20
3 México Quetzales 2024 ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 58 248 143,84
4 Rotor ADCS Russian Federation 50 264 132,00
5 CM eSports Phygital Brasil Brazil 62 204 126,48
6 Team Joga Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 42 267 112,14
7 La Crema DEVA Argentina 62 171 106,02
8 Armadillos FC ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 42 248 104,16
9 ALKHDOUR FC Dallah Holding Qatar 69 148 102,12
10 NML Madrid ADCS Russian Federation 38 264 100,32
11 KMF Titograd Alliance of electronic sports of Montenegro Montenegro 34 259 88,06
12 Street Ball Phygital Sport LLC Armenia 44 195 85,80
13 Peñarol Asociacion Uruguaya de Deportes Virtuales Uruguay 59 143 84,37
14 Nacional Phygital Brasil Brazil 37 204 75,48
15 Golden Goal Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 28 267 74,76
16 R10 Team Phygital Brasil Brazil 36 204 73,44
17 Team Santa CATCE Cameroon 42 173 72,66
18 Navai FPSU Uzbekistan 41 172 70,52
19 AFTER 6 Ghana Esports Federation Ghana 42 165 69,30
20 A7 Union Phygital Brasil Brazil 33 204 67,32
21 BDL Phygital Brasil Brazil 33 204 67,32
22 DYNAMITE Belarusian Federation of Phygital Sport Belarus 34 196 66,64
23 Liga Pro Team ADCS Russian Federation 25 264 66,00
24 Got Balls? Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 24 267 64,08
25 Dkay Henry Soccer Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 24 267 64,08
26 Ancestral ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 24 248 59,52
27 FREESTYLE Guatemalan Esports Association Guatemala 28 210 58,80
28 Yerevan Eagles Phygital Sport LLC Armenia 30 195 58,50
29 JR Style Omani Gaming and Esports committee Oman 54 105 56,70
30 Xtreme Lungiz BYDESA Bangladesh 52 108 56,16
31 Al3yala Electronic Games Association in Iraq Iraq 41 134 54,94
32 Dou FC DEVA Argentina 32 171 54,72
33 Gunners Academy Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 20 267 53,40
34 Betta training Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 20 267 53,40
35 INFORM Belarusian Federation of Phygital Sport Belarus 27 196 52,92
36 Phoenix ADCS Russian Federation 20 264 52,80
37 Greni Smith EADRIATICLEAGUE Bosnia and Herzegovina 34 155 52,70
38 POWER FC Infinity Citizens Ltd. Nigeria 41 128 52,48
39 Mr Goats Electronic Games Association in Iraq Iraq 39 134 52,26
40 JUGO 45 Alliance of electronic sports of Montenegro Montenegro 20 259 51,80
41 Samarkand FPSU Uzbekistan 29 172 49,88
42 MAYOS F-C Jr ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 20 248 49,60
43 PUMAS FC Guatemalan Esports Association Guatemala 23 210 48,30
44 OPIRATES 5 1Pro Sports Group South Africa 42 115 48,30
45 Issa Team Electronic Sports Kenya Federation Kenya 42 115 48,30
46 Team Beo SAFESE Serbia 42 115 48,30
47 Kimberley DEVA Argentina 28 171 47,88
48 Gentle neighbours E-športna zveza Slovnenije Slovenia 33 143 47,19
49 CAMP I AMPCE Mali 42 110 46,20
50 PAYOLA FC Ghana Esports Federation Ghana 28 165 46,20
51 O Game Room CATCE Cameroon 26 173 44,98
52 CPN CATCE Cameroon 26 173 44,98
53 CHAYONETA FC ESPORTS Guatemalan Esports Association Guatemala 21 210 44,10
54 Lamele Alliance of electronic sports of Montenegro Montenegro 16 259 41,44
55 Phygital FPSU Uzbekistan 24 172 41,28
56 PGM Covic Croatian eSports Federation Croatia 33 125 41,25
57 El Tricolor DEVA Argentina 24 171 41,04
58 ELECT FC Ghana Esports Federation Ghana 24 165 39,60
59 CEFL PHYGITAL E.P.S. Virtual Gaming Cyprus Cyprus 34 114 38,76
60 Humildes Phygital Brasil Brazil 19 204 38,76
61 Zonline Phygital Brasil Brazil 19 204 38,76
62 ZORACHKA Belarusian Federation of Phygital Sport Belarus 19 196 37,24
63 LEAD  FC Infinity Citizens Ltd. Nigeria 28 128 35,84
64 Matadores ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 14 248 34,72
65 Namangan FPSU Uzbekistan 20 172 34,40
66 Pura Quimica DEVA Argentina 20 171 34,20
67 CANVIC Ghana Esports Federation Ghana 20 165 33,00
68 TSAKO THE RIVER 1Pro Sports Group South Africa 28 115 32,20
69 Obilic Esports SAFESE Serbia 28 115 32,20
70 Black End Electronic Games Association in Iraq Iraq 24 134 32,16
71 NY Legends Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 12 267 32,04
72 NY Ecuador FC Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 12 267 32,04
73 150 FC Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 12 267 32,04
74 Queens Pickup Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 12 267 32,04
75 Belogorye ADCS Russian Federation 12 264 31,68
76 Tandem ADCS Russian Federation 12 264 31,68
77 MFC Moskva ADCS Russian Federation 12 264 31,68
78 Erevan Phygital Sport LLC Armenia 16 195 31,20
79 AS Ngangue CATCE Cameroon 18 173 31,14
80 Spuške Alliance of electronic sports of Montenegro Montenegro 12 259 31,08
81 Santiago Ent Electronic Sports Kenya Federation Kenya 27 115 31,05
82 Zero Tenacity EADRIATICLEAGUE Bosnia and Herzegovina 20 155 31,00
83 TEAM VIP AMPCE Mali 28 110 30,80
84 DAZZLE FC Infinity Citizens Ltd. Nigeria 24 128 30,72
85 Team Koslakosli BYDESA Bangladesh 28 108 30,24
86 Classic FC ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 12 248 29,76
87 Lagartos Esports ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 12 248 29,76
88 Mostazaz ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 12 248 29,76
89 Bravos FC ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 12 248 29,76
90 BLUES Dallah Holding Qatar 20 148 29,60
91 GS TEAM Electronic Games Association in Iraq Iraq 22 134 29,48
92 GUARENAS FC Guatemalan Esports Association Guatemala 14 210 29,40
93 Udmurtiya ADCS Russian Federation 11 264 29,04
94 Nacional Asociacion Uruguaya de Deportes Virtuales Uruguay 20 143 28,60
95 LEGENDS Dallah Holding Qatar 19 148 28,12
96 MAGUDZUMELA FC 1Pro Sports Group South Africa 24 115 27,60
97 Mixed Juice Electronic Sports Kenya Federation Kenya 24 115 27,60
98 PrvaPostava SAFESE Serbia 24 115 27,60
99 Team V2 Rocket Electronic Games Association in Iraq Iraq 20 134 26,80
100 TEAM ADOU AMPCE Mali 24 110 26,40
101 GALACTIC DYNAMOS BYDESA Bangladesh 24 108 25,92
102 REAL ACHIEVERS Infinity Citizens Ltd. Nigeria 20 128 25,60
103 NAPOLI Guatemalan Esports Association Guatemala 12 210 25,20
104 CHESGAPE Guatemalan Esports Association Guatemala 12 210 25,20
105 MAYAN EMPIRE ESPORTS Guatemalan Esports Association Guatemala 12 210 25,20
106 PARMED Guatemalan Esports Association Guatemala 12 210 25,20
107 Monsters Dallah Holding Qatar 17 148 25,16
108 Laka konjica Croatian eSports Federation Croatia 20 125 25,00
109 Polvorín FC ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 10 248 24,80
110 Kamatari EADRIATICLEAGUE Bosnia and Herzegovina 16 155 24,80
111 Futgios Phygital Brasil Brazil 12 204 24,48
112 Flash Phygital Brasil Brazil 12 204 24,48
113 trivela E-športna zveza Slovnenije Slovenia 17 143 24,31
114 Caballito FC DEVA Argentina 14 171 23,94
115 INTRIGA Belarusian Federation of Phygital Sport Belarus 12 196 23,52
116 Real Synopsys Phygital Sport LLC Armenia 12 195 23,40
117 YOUNG LIONS FC 1Pro Sports Group South Africa 20 115 23,00
118 Fazam Academy Electronic Sports Kenya Federation Kenya 20 115 23,00
119 Balls Monsters SAFESE Serbia 20 115 23,00
120 Evermeet Asociacion Uruguaya de Deportes Virtuales Uruguay 16 143 22,88
121 MENOIKEAS FC E.P.S. Virtual Gaming Cyprus Cyprus 20 114 22,80
122 L. Botafogo Phygital Brasil Brazil 11 204 22,44
123 Gladiators Dallah Holding Qatar 15 148 22,20
124 MCT AMPCE Mali 20 110 22,00
125 My Neighbours BYDESA Bangladesh 20 108 21,60
126 Fearless Omani Gaming and Esports committee Oman 20 105 21,00
127 Top Game CATCE Cameroon 12 173 20,76
128 Team Kode CATCE Cameroon 12 173 20,76
129 Tashkent region FPSU Uzbekistan 12 172 20,64
130 Bukhara FPSU Uzbekistan 12 172 20,64
131 Ferhgana FPSU Uzbekistan 12 172 20,64
132 Jizzakh FPSU Uzbekistan 12 172 20,64
133 El Rejunte DEVA Argentina 12 171 20,52
134 Venciendo Gigantes DEVA Argentina 12 171 20,52
135 Club alvear DEVA Argentina 12 171 20,52
136 GOLDEN CITY Ghana Esports Federation Ghana 12 165 19,80
137 CHAMPIONS FC Ghana Esports Federation Ghana 12 165 19,80
138 CANCHEROUS Ghana Esports Federation Ghana 12 165 19,80
139 JEMCAM Ghana Esports Federation Ghana 12 165 19,80
140 Sparoga logistika Croatian eSports Federation Croatia 15 125 18,75
141 Badnjaci EADRIATICLEAGUE Bosnia and Herzegovina 12 155 18,60
142 GIANNACHO FC E.P.S. Virtual Gaming Cyprus Cyprus 16 114 18,24
143 Titans FC Dallah Holding Qatar 12 148 17,76
144 Ivanja Reka Croatian eSports Federation Croatia 14 125 17,50
145 Tiki Taka CATCE Cameroon 10 173 17,30
146 Sp Bella Italia Asociacion Uruguaya de Deportes Virtuales Uruguay 12 143 17,16
147 La mousse goose E-športna zveza Slovnenije Slovenia 12 143 17,16
148 Class on grass Omani Gaming and Esports committee Oman 16 105 16,80
149 Dijlah Esports Electronic Games Association in Iraq Iraq 12 134 16,08
150 Team Pixel Electronic Games Association in Iraq Iraq 12 134 16,08
151 ELITE FC Infinity Citizens Ltd. Nigeria 12 128 15,36
152 KIDS PORT Infinity Citizens Ltd. Nigeria 12 128 15,36
153 OJODU CUBS Infinity Citizens Ltd. Nigeria 12 128 15,36
154 ARUNBINJAGA FC Infinity Citizens Ltd. Nigeria 12 128 15,36
155 Taji TM Electronic Games Association in Iraq Iraq 11 134 14,74
156 Game of Thrones CATCE Cameroon 8 173 13,84
157 TEAM BLUE 1Pro Sports Group South Africa 12 115 13,80
158 HLANGANANI FC 1Pro Sports Group South Africa 12 115 13,80
159 VINI FC 1Pro Sports Group South Africa 12 115 13,80
160 MAGESI FC 1Pro Sports Group South Africa 12 115 13,80
161 Sisinyo Electronic Sports Kenya Federation Kenya 12 115 13,80
162 All Stars Electronic Sports Kenya Federation Kenya 12 115 13,80
163 Big James Connect Electronic Sports Kenya Federation Kenya 12 115 13,80
164 BGNS SAFESE Serbia 12 115 13,80
165 Mocni Rendzeri SAFESE Serbia 12 115 13,80
166 Zvezdara SAFESE Serbia 12 115 13,80
167 Grove Street SAFESE Serbia 12 115 13,80
168 NUEVO CAMPO E.P.S. Virtual Gaming Cyprus Cyprus 12 114 13,68
169 TEAM TRAORE AMPCE Mali 12 110 13,20
170 GAME ZONE I AMPCE Mali 12 110 13,20
171 AS BAMBA AMPCE Mali 12 110 13,20
172 FC SO AMPCE Mali 12 110 13,20
173 BRACU Phantom BYDESA Bangladesh 12 108 12,96
174 The Predators BYDESA Bangladesh 12 108 12,96
175 Dead3ye Esports BYDESA Bangladesh 12 108 12,96
176 UIU Alpha Squad BYDESA Bangladesh 12 108 12,96
177 Watch & Learn Electronic Sports Kenya Federation Kenya 11 115 12,65
178 Wa7sh Omani Gaming and Esports committee Oman 12 105 12,60
179 jugadores E-športna zveza Slovnenije Slovenia 8 143 11,44
180 Champs FC Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 4 267 10,68
181 Tango NYC Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 4 267 10,68
182 Juventino FC Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 4 267 10,68
183 Yuzhnaya Zvezda ADCS Russian Federation 4 264 10,56
184 UGRA Reset ADCS Russian Federation 4 264 10,56
185 Kuzbass Phygital ADCS Russian Federation 4 264 10,56
186 COLEGIO INTERAMERICANO Guatemalan Esports Association Guatemala 5 210 10,50
187 FK PIZZANA Alliance of electronic sports of Montenegro Montenegro 4 259 10,36
188 Gejming Haus Alliance of electronic sports of Montenegro Montenegro 4 259 10,36
189 BOX2BOX FC Dallah Holding Qatar 7 148 10,36
190 União Formosa Phygital Brasil Brazil 5 204 10,20
191 Cacique Phygital Brasil Brazil 5 204 10,20
192 Mexico ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 4 248 9,92
193 Gamers FC ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 4 248 9,92
194 Federbahce ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 4 248 9,92
195 ALSharqi Omani Gaming and Esports committee Oman 8 105 8,40
196 GX Omani Gaming and Esports committee Oman 8 105 8,40
197 PERONIA FC Guatemalan Esports Association Guatemala 4 210 8,40
198 Mó Fita Phygital Brasil Brazil 4 204 8,16
199 INOCLASS Belarusian Federation of Phygital Sport Belarus 4 196 7,84
200 SLAVIK Belarusian Federation of Phygital Sport Belarus 4 196 7,84
201 Arsis Phygital Sport LLC Armenia 4 195 7,80
202 Byte United Phygital Sport LLC Armenia 4 195 7,80
203 ASG FOOTBALL LEGENDS Dallah Holding Qatar 5 148 7,40
204 K’Link Rangers CATCE Cameroon 4 173 6,92
205 Team Zlatan CATCE Cameroon 4 173 6,92
206 Andijan FPSU Uzbekistan 4 172 6,88
207 Nukus FPSU Uzbekistan 4 172 6,88
208 Termez FPSU Uzbekistan 4 172 6,88
209 Karshi FPSU Uzbekistan 4 172 6,88
210 Pampero DEVA Argentina 4 171 6,84
211 Fergol DEVA Argentina 4 171 6,84
212 EGS Team DEVA Argentina 4 171 6,84
213 Malaki Team Electronic Games Association in Iraq Iraq 5 134 6,70
214 TRANSMED FC Ghana Esports Federation Ghana 4 165 6,60
215 XTX Ghana Esports Federation Ghana 4 165 6,60
216 HFTCW Ghana Esports Federation Ghana 4 165 6,60
217 AUXANO FC Ghana Esports Federation Ghana 4 165 6,60
218 CRAB SQUAD Guatemalan Esports Association Guatemala 3 210 6,30
219 Doboj EADRIATICLEAGUE Bosnia and Herzegovina 4 155 6,20
220 Zevs EADRIATICLEAGUE Bosnia and Herzegovina 4 155 6,20
221 Salem FC Electronic Sports Kenya Federation Kenya 5 115 5,75
222 Kilimanjaro Electronic Sports Kenya Federation Kenya 5 115 5,75
223 Racing Asociacion Uruguaya de Deportes Virtuales Uruguay 4 143 5,72
224 De Rebote Asociacion Uruguaya de Deportes Virtuales Uruguay 4 143 5,72
225 bojsi E-športna zveza Slovnenije Slovenia 4 143 5,72
226 TEAM MOH AMPCE Mali 5 110 5,50
227 SEU CSE 65 BYDESA Bangladesh 5 108 5,40
228 Z3 Electronic Games Association in Iraq Iraq 4 134 5,36
229 Warriors Electronic Games Association in Iraq Iraq 4 134 5,36
230 OJODU CITY Infinity Citizens Ltd. Nigeria 4 128 5,12
231 AUSTEN PLUS FC Infinity Citizens Ltd. Nigeria 4 128 5,12
232 SIZOKO FC Infinity Citizens Ltd. Nigeria 4 128 5,12
233 KIDDOS RA Infinity Citizens Ltd. Nigeria 4 128 5,12
234 NBD Croatian eSports Federation Croatia 4 125 5,00
235 KLAS Micevec Croatian eSports Federation Croatia 4 125 5,00
236 MAMS FC 1Pro Sports Group South Africa 4 115 4,60
237 MA2K 1Pro Sports Group South Africa 4 115 4,60
238 HI5 1Pro Sports Group South Africa 4 115 4,60
239 MAMELODI SUND 1Pro Sports Group South Africa 4 115 4,60
240 Santiago eHUb Electronic Sports Kenya Federation Kenya 4 115 4,60
241 Hounds Electronic Sports Kenya Federation Kenya 4 115 4,60
242 Delta SAFESE Serbia 4 115 4,60
243 LazyBoys SAFESE Serbia 4 115 4,60
244 Rekt SAFESE Serbia 4 115 4,60
245 Boomers Esports SAFESE Serbia 4 115 4,60
246 APOEL EFC E.P.S. Virtual Gaming Cyprus Cyprus 4 114 4,56
247 PSALTARAS FC E.P.S. Virtual Gaming Cyprus Cyprus 4 114 4,56
248 TEAM BKODJI AMPCE Mali 4 110 4,40
249 FC RAGNAROK BYDESA Bangladesh 4 108 4,32
250 Southeast Uttejito 65 BYDESA Bangladesh 4 108 4,32
251 RACCOON Electronic Games Association in Iraq Iraq 3 134 4,02
252 FC TERIYA AMPCE Mali 3 110 3,30
253 CALAMITE AMPCE Mali 3 110 3,30
254 Mirpur United BYDESA Bangladesh 3 108 3,24
255 Iq Team Electronic Games Association in Iraq Iraq 1 134 1,34
256 ALIMOSHO FC Infinity Citizens Ltd. Nigeria 1 128 1,28
257 BAKO CLUB AMPCE Mali 1 110 1,10
258 ACR ADCS Russian Federation 0 264 0,00
259 Team Voronezh ADCS Russian Federation 0 264 0,00
260 Rodina Media ADCS Russian Federation 0 264 0,00
261 ITMO ADCS Russian Federation 0 264 0,00
262 Los pelones ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 0 248 0,00
263 MAYOS F-C ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 0 248 0,00
264 Refugiados ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 0 248 0,00
265 Oriental Asociacion Uruguaya de Deportes Virtuales Uruguay 0 143 0,00
266 El Timón Asociacion Uruguaya de Deportes Virtuales Uruguay 0 143 0,00
267 Galactic Lions CATCE Cameroon 0 173 0,00
268 Team Legend CATCE Cameroon 0 173 0,00
269 G4 Boys CATCE Cameroon 0 173 0,00
270 White Walkers CATCE Cameroon 0 173 0,00
271 Spartans CATCE Cameroon 0 173 0,00
272 Ent FC CATCE Cameroon 0 173 0,00
273 Kharezm FPSU Uzbekistan 0 172 0,00
274 Gulistan FPSU Uzbekistan 0 172 0,00
275 Tashkent city FPSU Uzbekistan 0 172 0,00
276 Tashkent FPSU Uzbekistan 0 172 0,00
277 FC Rio Phygital Sport LLC Armenia 0 195 0,00
278 FC Van Phygital Sport LLC Armenia 0 195 0,00
279 Diablo Alliance of electronic sports of Montenegro Montenegro 0 259 0,00
280 TIM X Alliance of electronic sports of Montenegro Montenegro 0 259 0,00
281 SML Belarusian Federation of Phygital Sport Belarus 0 196 0,00
282 ZOLOTAYA GORKA Belarusian Federation of Phygital Sport Belarus 0 196 0,00
283 Etihad Omani Gaming and Esports committee Oman 0 105 0,00
284 Muttrah Omani Gaming and Esports committee Oman 0 105 0,00
285 USAC Guatemalan Esports Association Guatemala 0 210 0,00
286 COLEGIO SUIZO AMERICANO Guatemalan Esports Association Guatemala 0 210 0,00
287 FAST GAME Guatemalan Esports Association Guatemala 0 210 0,00
288 DISHER FC Guatemalan Esports Association Guatemala 0 210 0,00
289 Team 4 BYDESA Bangladesh 0 108 0,00
290 Spot Difference BYDESA Bangladesh 0 108 0,00
291 DEADSHOT FC BYDESA Bangladesh 0 108 0,00
292 Team AUST BYDESA Bangladesh 0 108 0,00
293 PAMBROS Ghana Esports Federation Ghana 0 165 0,00
294 NIKI FC Ghana Esports Federation Ghana 0 165 0,00
295 WONDER FC Ghana Esports Federation Ghana 0 165 0,00
296 EASY BUY Ghana Esports Federation Ghana 0 165 0,00
297 OLB ESC 2021 E.P.S. Virtual Gaming Cyprus Cyprus 0 114 0,00
298 AEL LIMASSOL E.P.S. Virtual Gaming Cyprus Cyprus 0 114 0,00
299 Lehman FC Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 0 267 0,00
300 One Love Commnity Club Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 0 267 0,00
301 Sandwip United Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 0 267 0,00
302 RAND P 1Pro Sports Group South Africa 0 115 0,00
303 Pablo’s 1Pro Sports Group South Africa 0 115 0,00
304 LOQ 1Pro Sports Group South Africa 0 115 0,00
305 KILLER BEES 1Pro Sports Group South Africa 0 115 0,00
306 FC BOULY AMPCE Mali 0 110 0,00
307 FC KOUYATE AMPCE Mali 0 110 0,00
308 EACK AMPCE Mali 0 110 0,00
309 Amiri Hatarat Dallah Holding Qatar 0 148 0,00
310 GAZA Dallah Holding Qatar 0 148 0,00
311 North Africa Dallah Holding Qatar 0 148 0,00
312 Qatar Airways Dallah Holding Qatar 0 148 0,00
313 RESIDENTS OF BANI HAJAR Dallah Holding Qatar 0 148 0,00
314 Swag FC Dallah Holding Qatar 0 148 0,00
315 Team Africa Dallah Holding Qatar 0 148 0,00
316 Team AJ Dallah Holding Qatar 0 148 0,00
317 Blueboys E-športna zveza Slovnenije Slovenia 0 143 0,00
318 The boomers E-športna zveza Slovnenije Slovenia 0 143 0,00
319 Overall E-športna zveza Slovnenije Slovenia 0 143 0,00
320 HYRAJ FC Infinity Citizens Ltd. Nigeria 0 128 0,00
321 EAGLE STAR Infinity Citizens Ltd. Nigeria 0 128 0,00
322 AMSTERDAM Infinity Citizens Ltd. Nigeria 0 128 0,00
323 La Ley y el Orden DEVA Argentina 0 171 0,00
324 Villa Estruga DEVA Argentina 0 171 0,00
325 Atlantico DEVA Argentina 0 171 0,00
326 Estrella de Martinez DEVA Argentina 0 171 0,00
327 Moqsquito Electronic Sports Kenya Federation Kenya 0 115 0,00
328 Ligi Ndogo Electronic Sports Kenya Federation Kenya 0 115 0,00
329 5k fc Electronic Sports Kenya Federation Kenya 0 115 0,00
330 UoN Electronic Sports Kenya Federation Kenya 0 115 0,00
331 crowESPORT Electronic Games Association in Iraq Iraq 0 134 0,00
332 DF ESPORTS Electronic Games Association in Iraq Iraq 0 134 0,00
333 Hamdani Electronic Games Association in Iraq Iraq 0 134 0,00
334 AK47 Phygital Brasil Brazil 0 204 0,00
335 Firewolf Phygital Brasil Brazil 0 204 0,00
336 Paysanduba Phygital Brasil Brazil 0 204 0,00
337 Mladost Buzin Croatian eSports Federation Croatia 0 125 0,00
338 VNK Slavonac Croatian eSports Federation Croatia 0 125 0,00
339 Sporting Modriča EADRIATICLEAGUE Bosnia and Herzegovina 0 155 0,00
340 Feel the Vibe EADRIATICLEAGUE Bosnia and Herzegovina 0 155 0,00
341 BumBum SAFESE Serbia 0 115 0,00
342 Highway SAFESE Serbia 0 115 0,00
343 Elder Esports SAFESE Serbia 0 115 0,00
344 Prangija SAFESE Serbia 0 115 0,00
Club WPC Member Country Club pts. WPC Member pts. Total pts.
1 Fominykh Konstantin ADCS Russian Federation 47 264 124,08
2 Doraily Salinas Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 42 267 112,14
3 Dion Visser Alliance of electronic sports of Montenegro Montenegro 42 259 108,78
4 YukoAoi ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 42 248 104,16
5 Joseph Cordero Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 38 267 101,46
6 Andy Choy Guatemalan Esports Association Guatemala 42 210 88,20
7 Pozhidayev Ilya ADCS Russian Federation 33 264 87,12
8 Senga Valery CATCE Cameroon 50 173 86,50
9 Tiago Silva Phygital Brasil Brazil 42 204 85,68
10 Simonov Artem ADCS Russian Federation 29 264 76,56
11 Andrea Karanikic Alliance of electronic sports of Montenegro Montenegro 28 259 72,52
12 Tashkent FPSU Uzbekistan 42 172 72,24
13 JustBlueArg DEVA Argentina 42 171 71,82
14 Kyosuke Beart ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 28 248 69,44
15 DANIIL CHARAPKO Belarusian Federation of Phygital Sport Belarus 34 196 66,64
16 Margarita Badoyan Phygital Sport LLC Armenia 34 195 66,30
17 Perin Victor ADCS Russian Federation 25 264 66,00
18 Manuel Rodriguez Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 24 267 64,08
19 Ngo Um Yobo CATCE Cameroon 36 173 62,28
20 Lana Radovic Alliance of electronic sports of Montenegro Montenegro 24 259 62,16
21 Igor Mrzić Serbian Phygital federation Serbia 34 179 60,86
22 Birkye ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 24 248 59,52
23 Pame Guatemalan Esports Association Guatemala 28 210 58,80
24 Ali (Dinomite Twins) Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 22 267 58,74
25 Oxyfede DEVA Argentina 34 171 58,14
26 Diego Araujo Phygital Brasil Brazil 28 204 57,12
27 Enmanuel Venezuelan Federation of Electronic Sports Venezuela 42 136 57,12
28 Marian Buenos Tiempos SAS Colombia 42 134 56,28
29 Biyon Mayga Guy CATCE Cameroon 32 173 55,36
30 Jennifer Salenger Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 20 267 53,40
31 Marija Georgieva Alliance of electronic sports of Montenegro Montenegro 20 259 51,80
32 Kwaily Guatemalan Esports Association Guatemala 24 210 50,40
33 Tachi ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 20 248 49,60
34 Paulo Victor Phygital Brasil Brazil 24 204 48,96
35 Wouleje Gowi CATCE Cameroon 28 173 48,44
36 Ferhgana FPSU Uzbekistan 28 172 48,16
37 Vitaldancer DEVA Argentina 28 171 47,88
38 Agafonova Anastasiya ADCS Russian Federation 17 264 44,88
39 Movsisyan Kristina ADCS Russian Federation 17 264 44,88
40 Balabanovsky Oleg ADCS Russian Federation 17 264 44,88
41 Bukhara FPSU Uzbekistan 24 172 41,28
42 João Victor Phygital Brasil Brazil 20 204 40,80
43 DARYA PIVOSH Belarusian Federation of Phygital Sport Belarus 20 196 39,20
44  Elizabet Minasyan Phygital Sport LLC Armenia 20 195 39,00
45 Josue Venezuelan Federation of Electronic Sports Venezuela 28 136 38,08
46 estrellakira4 DEVA Argentina 22 171 37,62
47 Cristian Buenos Tiempos SAS Colombia 28 134 37,52
48 Mara Simidzija Serbian Phygital federation Serbia 20 179 35,80
49 Foumboum Ngalle CATCE Cameroon 20 173 34,60
50 Takougue Cyntiche CATCE Cameroon 20 173 34,60
51 Sakouma Bella CATCE Cameroon 20 173 34,60
52 Namangan FPSU Uzbekistan 20 172 34,40
53 Luly0007 DEVA Argentina 20 171 34,20
54 Wonder Venezuelan Federation of Electronic Sports Venezuela 24 136 32,64
55 Kevin Buenos Tiempos SAS Colombia 24 134 32,16
56 Perla Matos Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 12 267 32,04
57 DeVonni  Pollard Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 12 267 32,04
58 Tobias Patterson Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 12 267 32,04
59 Eremenko Anastasiya ADCS Russian Federation 12 264 31,68
60 YARASLAU VOINSKI Belarusian Federation of Phygital Sport Belarus 16 196 31,36
61  Milena Xachatryan Phygital Sport LLC Armenia 16 195 31,20
62 Marija Brajkovic Alliance of electronic sports of Montenegro Montenegro 12 259 31,08
63 Andjela Raznatovic Alliance of electronic sports of Montenegro Montenegro 12 259 31,08
64 Milena Vukcevic Alliance of electronic sports of Montenegro Montenegro 12 259 31,08
65 Nina Nikolic Alliance of electronic sports of Montenegro Montenegro 12 259 31,08
66 Lyotey ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 12 248 29,76
67 Paulo Enrique Gonzalez Montero ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 12 248 29,76
68 AgentPohls024 ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 12 248 29,76
69 RamandTR ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 12 248 29,76
70 Anja Maglov Serbian Phygital federation Serbia 16 179 28,64
71 Luis Molleja Venezuelan Federation of Electronic Sports Venezuela 20 136 27,20
72 Danilo Fatić Serbian Phygital federation Serbia 15 179 26,85
73 Katarina Kuburović Serbian Phygital federation Serbia 15 179 26,85
74 Julian Buenos Tiempos SAS Colombia 20 134 26,80
75 Alexmi Guatemalan Esports Association Guatemala 12 210 25,20
76 Eri Guatemalan Esports Association Guatemala 12 210 25,20
77 Ross Guatemalan Esports Association Guatemala 12 210 25,20
78 Vale Guatemalan Esports Association Guatemala 12 210 25,20
79 Daniela Guatemalan Esports Association Guatemala 12 210 25,20
80 Miel Alarcón ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 10 248 24,80
81 Elizabeth Cueva ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 10 248 24,80
82 João Gabriel Phygital Brasil Brazil 12 204 24,48
83 Luiz Filipe Phygital Brasil Brazil 12 204 24,48
84 Pedro H. Phygital Brasil Brazil 12 204 24,48
85 Thiago NR Phygital Brasil Brazil 12 204 24,48
86 NASTASSIA HOLUBEVA Belarusian Federation of Phygital Sport Belarus 12 196 23,52
87  Grisha Husipyan Phygital Sport LLC Armenia 12 195 23,40
88 Nataša Gvozdenović Serbian Phygital federation Serbia 12 179 21,48
89 Yebga II Jacques CATCE Cameroon 12 173 20,76
90 Ntsafack Gaël Cédric CATCE Cameroon 12 173 20,76
91 Nukus FPSU Uzbekistan 12 172 20,64
92 Karshi FPSU Uzbekistan 12 172 20,64
93 Samarkand FPSU Uzbekistan 12 172 20,64
94 Chirchik FPSU Uzbekistan 12 172 20,64
95 Felix DEVA Argentina 12 171 20,52
96 Panda Pino DEVA Argentina 12 171 20,52
97 JazzeR DEVA Argentina 12 171 20,52
98 Abel Venezuelan Federation of Electronic Sports Venezuela 12 136 16,32
99 Abisay Venezuelan Federation of Electronic Sports Venezuela 12 136 16,32
100 Ramses Venezuelan Federation of Electronic Sports Venezuela 12 136 16,32
101 Arturo Venezuelan Federation of Electronic Sports Venezuela 12 136 16,32
102 Juan Esteban Buenos Tiempos SAS Colombia 12 134 16,08
103 Andres Buenos Tiempos SAS Colombia 12 134 16,08
104 Jhoan Buenos Tiempos SAS Colombia 12 134 16,08
105 Luis Angel Buenos Tiempos SAS Colombia 12 134 16,08
106 Teodora Pavlović Serbian Phygital federation Serbia 8 179 14,32
107 Tijana Ivanov Serbian Phygital federation Serbia 8 179 14,32
108 Barbara Kramar Serbian Phygital federation Serbia 8 179 14,32
109 Itana Štrogen Serbian Phygital federation Serbia 8 179 14,32
110 Ondoa Ateba CATCE Cameroon 8 173 13,84
111 Decai Wilfried CATCE Cameroon 8 173 13,84
112 David Fabijan Serbian Phygital federation Serbia 6 179 10,74
113 Jelena Bulatović Serbian Phygital federation Serbia 6 179 10,74
114 Tywan Grant Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 4 267 10,68
115 Joshua Berit Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 4 267 10,68
116 Jasmine N. Miller Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 4 267 10,68
117 Graciela Rodriguez Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 4 267 10,68
118 Timofeev Arseniy ADCS Russian Federation 4 264 10,56
119 Buintseva Elizaveta ADCS Russian Federation 4 264 10,56
120 Khlypin Semen ADCS Russian Federation 4 264 10,56
121 Stasyukevich Vladislava ADCS Russian Federation 4 264 10,56
122 Leonik Filippov Alliance of electronic sports of Montenegro Montenegro 4 259 10,36
123 Uma Durakovic Alliance of electronic sports of Montenegro Montenegro 4 259 10,36
124 Jelena Marovic Alliance of electronic sports of Montenegro Montenegro 4 259 10,36
125 Kristina Mitrovic Alliance of electronic sports of Montenegro Montenegro 4 259 10,36
126 Rotesa World ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 4 248 9,92
127 Saragaby ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 4 248 9,92
128 Paolo Sebastian Ruiz Chavez ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 4 248 9,92
129 Ulises Eric ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 4 248 9,92
130 Keero Guatemalan Esports Association Guatemala 4 210 8,40
131 Lezcano Guatemalan Esports Association Guatemala 4 210 8,40
132 Chibi Guatemalan Esports Association Guatemala 4 210 8,40
133 Lucy Guatemalan Esports Association Guatemala 4 210 8,40
134 Pedro Paulo Phygital Brasil Brazil 4 204 8,16
135 Thiago NS Phygital Brasil Brazil 4 204 8,16
136 Amanda Phygital Brasil Brazil 4 204 8,16
137 Lucas Irlan Phygital Brasil Brazil 4 204 8,16
138 KATSIARYNA KAZACHENKA Belarusian Federation of Phygital Sport Belarus 4 196 7,84
139 ARTSIOM PLATONAU Belarusian Federation of Phygital Sport Belarus 4 196 7,84
140 Narek Zohrabyan Phygital Sport LLC Armenia 4 195 7,80
141  Arman Qaramyan Phygital Sport LLC Armenia 4 195 7,80
142 Aryx Longo Wilfried CATCE Cameroon 4 173 6,92
143 Zognie Fankam CATCE Cameroon 4 173 6,92
144 Jizzakh FPSU Uzbekistan 4 172 6,88
145 Phygital FPSU Uzbekistan 4 172 6,88
146 Tashkent city FPSU Uzbekistan 4 172 6,88
147 Gulistan FPSU Uzbekistan 4 172 6,88
148 Nahuelitho DEVA Argentina 4 171 6,84
149 Linex DEVA Argentina 4 171 6,84
150 Nat_Espn DEVA Argentina 4 171 6,84
151 ST_L30 DEVA Argentina 4 171 6,84
152 Dennis Venezuelan Federation of Electronic Sports Venezuela 4 136 5,44
153 Paulina Venezuelan Federation of Electronic Sports Venezuela 4 136 5,44
154 Eiker Venezuelan Federation of Electronic Sports Venezuela 4 136 5,44
155 Alexander Venezuelan Federation of Electronic Sports Venezuela 4 136 5,44
156 Víctor Buenos Tiempos SAS Colombia 4 134 5,36
157 Santiago Buenos Tiempos SAS Colombia 4 134 5,36
158 Carolina Buenos Tiempos SAS Colombia 4 134 5,36
159 Karen Buenos Tiempos SAS Colombia 4 134 5,36
160 Gerasimenko Elizaveta ADCS Russian Federation 0 264 0,00
161 Stepanov Vadim ADCS Russian Federation 0 264 0,00
162 Popov Gleb ADCS Russian Federation 0 264 0,00
163 Lebedeva Korolina ADCS Russian Federation 0 264 0,00
164 Margaret Buenos Tiempos SAS Colombia 0 134 0,00
165 Natalia Buenos Tiempos SAS Colombia 0 134 0,00
166 Nicolas Buenos Tiempos SAS Colombia 0 134 0,00
167 Juan Camilo Buenos Tiempos SAS Colombia 0 134 0,00
168 Sau ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 0 248 0,00
169 Gynger ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 0 248 0,00
170 Joyce-Patrick Ebelle CATCE Cameroon 0 173 0,00
171 Noupewe Chelsy CATCE Cameroon 0 173 0,00
172 Zaneau Kouekam CATCE Cameroon 0 173 0,00
173 Moutassi Fosso CATCE Cameroon 0 173 0,00
174 Sandio Darnel CATCE Cameroon 0 173 0,00
175 Siewe Bethele CATCE Cameroon 0 173 0,00
176 Nkowa Erica CATCE Cameroon 0 173 0,00
177 Penka Mfom Chist CATCE Cameroon 0 173 0,00
178 Ntisba Anne CATCE Cameroon 0 173 0,00
179 Biboum Hermine CATCE Cameroon 0 173 0,00
180 Ndjock Raissa CATCE Cameroon 0 173 0,00
181 Yap Ladifatou CATCE Cameroon 0 173 0,00
182 Fouda Minyem CATCE Cameroon 0 173 0,00
183 Nleme Akoulou CATCE Cameroon 0 173 0,00
184 Eyidi Moussea CATCE Cameroon 0 173 0,00
185 Lissom II Tristan CATCE Cameroon 0 173 0,00
186 Nyetem Simon CATCE Cameroon 0 173 0,00
187 Atanga stephanie CATCE Cameroon 0 173 0,00
188 Ivan Ebai CATCE Cameroon 0 173 0,00
189 Termez FPSU Uzbekistan 0 172 0,00
190 Andijan FPSU Uzbekistan 0 172 0,00
191 Navai FPSU Uzbekistan 0 172 0,00
192 Kharezm FPSU Uzbekistan 0 172 0,00
193  Mane Aghajanyan Phygital Sport LLC Armenia 0 195 0,00
194  ArinaMusaelyan Phygital Sport LLC Armenia 0 195 0,00
195 Lena Nikolic Alliance of electronic sports of Montenegro Montenegro 0 259 0,00
196 Dalila Durakovic Alliance of electronic sports of Montenegro Montenegro 0 259 0,00
197 Anastasija Lalic Alliance of electronic sports of Montenegro Montenegro 0 259 0,00
198 Marko Jankovic Alliance of electronic sports of Montenegro Montenegro 0 259 0,00
199 HALINA TSYRO Belarusian Federation of Phygital Sport Belarus 0 196 0,00
200 HANNA KROSHCHANKA Belarusian Federation of Phygital Sport Belarus 0 196 0,00
201 Andy Guatemalan Esports Association Guatemala 0 210 0,00
202 Deadpool Guatemalan Esports Association Guatemala 0 210 0,00
203 Joey Guatemalan Esports Association Guatemala 0 210 0,00
204 Tito Guatemalan Esports Association Guatemala 0 210 0,00
205 Michael Ratzkin Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 0 267 0,00
206 Torre Payton-Jackson Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 0 267 0,00
207 Alexander Jones Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 0 267 0,00
208 Saramia Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 0 267 0,00
209 SirDavis DEVA Argentina 0 171 0,00
210 AleXflash DEVA Argentina 0 171 0,00
211 Mai DEVA Argentina 0 171 0,00
212 Edusam DEVA Argentina 0 171 0,00
213 Vinicius B. Phygital Brasil Brazil 0 204 0,00
214 Victor A. Phygital Brasil Brazil 0 204 0,00
215 Lucas Vini Phygital Brasil Brazil 0 204 0,00
216 Caroline Phygital Brasil Brazil 0 204 0,00
217 Luka Gemaljević Serbian Phygital federation Serbia 0 179 0,00
218 Marija Jovanović Serbian Phygital federation Serbia 0 179 0,00
219 Jana Teodorović Serbian Phygital federation Serbia 0 179 0,00
220 Katarina Filipović Serbian Phygital federation Serbia 0 179 0,00
221 Jelena Popović Serbian Phygital federation Serbia 0 179 0,00
222 Nevena Stanišić Serbian Phygital federation Serbia 0 179 0,00
223 Teodora Poznanović Serbian Phygital federation Serbia 0 179 0,00
224 Bojana Perenčević Serbian Phygital federation Serbia 0 179 0,00
225 Cristofer Venezuelan Federation of Electronic Sports Venezuela 0 136 0,00
226 Roxana Venezuelan Federation of Electronic Sports Venezuela 0 136 0,00
227 Valeria Venezuelan Federation of Electronic Sports Venezuela 0 136 0,00
228 Nathaly Venezuelan Federation of Electronic Sports Venezuela 0 136 0,00
Club WPC Member Country Club pts. WPC Member pts. Total pts.
1 Donstu Esports ADCS Russian Federation 77 264 203,28
2 Team FFD Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 46 267 122,82
3 Marca Registrada ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 46 248 114,08
4 Liga Pro Team ADCS Russian Federation 38 264 100,32
5 ENDFASTPLS Alliance of electronic sports of Montenegro Montenegro 34 259 88,06
6 net zero Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 32 267 85,44
7 Zero Tenacity National Serbian E-Sports Association Serbia 63 128 80,64
8 Noctis Bellator ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 32 248 79,36
9 Minsk House Belarusian Federation of Phygital Sport Belarus 39 196 76,44
10 Kunai Esports ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 28 248 69,44
11 A55 Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 24 267 64,08
12 GP Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 24 267 64,08
13 VZ Team ADCS Russian Federation 24 264 63,36
14 Ex-NG Electronic Games Association in Iraq Iraq 46 134 61,64
15 SIBE Team ADCS Russian Federation 20 264 52,80
16 GSENSE Alliance of electronic sports of Montenegro Montenegro 20 259 51,80
17 Tlatoanis ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 20 248 49,60
18 LIT ENERGY Belarusian Federation of Phygital Sport Belarus 24 196 47,04
19 GS TEAM Electronic Games Association in Iraq Iraq 34 134 45,56
20 NONAMERS Electronic Games Association in Iraq Iraq 32 134 42,88
21 Sova Gaming Alliance of electronic sports of Montenegro Montenegro 16 259 41,44
22 Dijlah Esport Electronic Games Association in Iraq Iraq 28 134 37,52
23 Volcanes ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 14 248 34,72
24 DNR Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 12 267 32,04
25 Team TBD Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 12 267 32,04
26 Space Cowboys Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 12 267 32,04
27 Cherepahi ADCS Russian Federation 12 264 31,68
28 FPS ADCS Russian Federation 12 264 31,68
29 RG Armada ADCS Russian Federation 12 264 31,68
30 RG GUTID ADCS Russian Federation 12 264 31,68
31 kopecks Belarusian Federation of Phygital Sport Belarus 16 196 31,36
32 NMR Belarusian Federation of Phygital Sport Belarus 16 196 31,36
33 ?LASOS Alliance of electronic sports of Montenegro Montenegro 12 259 31,08
34 Partizan Esports National Serbian E-Sports Association Serbia 24 128 30,72
35 Alebrijes Cósmicos ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 12 248 29,76
36 Raiders PB ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 12 248 29,76
37 Up13 ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 12 248 29,76
38 Cimarrones ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 12 248 29,76
39 XXX Team Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 8 267 21,36
40 Quiet Storm Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 8 267 21,36
41 VSCL ADCS Russian Federation 8 264 21,12
42 FeniiiX.GG ADCS Russian Federation 8 264 21,12
43 Juggernauts National Serbian E-Sports Association Serbia 16 128 20,48
44 Panther iq Electronic Games Association in Iraq Iraq 12 134 16,08
45 Over Power Electronic Games Association in Iraq Iraq 12 134 16,08
46 Legends Electronic Games Association in Iraq Iraq 12 134 16,08
47 Extreme Gang Electronic Games Association in Iraq Iraq 12 134 16,08
48 DMS National Serbian E-Sports Association Serbia 12 128 15,36
49 team_kdaN National Serbian E-Sports Association Serbia 9 128 11,52
50 Good Squad Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 4 267 10,68
51 Edison Tsunoda Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 4 267 10,68
52 Hell’s Kitchen Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 4 267 10,68
53 Cut the Competition Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 4 267 10,68
54 SPEEDHUNT72RZ ADCS Russian Federation 4 264 10,56
55 SurGods ADCS Russian Federation 4 264 10,56
56 NOLUCK Alliance of electronic sports of Montenegro Montenegro 4 259 10,36
57 RANDOMSTACK Alliance of electronic sports of Montenegro Montenegro 4 259 10,36
58 Warboys PBT ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 4 248 9,92
59 SSJ Gaming ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 4 248 9,92
60 Hechizo ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 4 248 9,92
61 Work Time I ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 4 248 9,92
62 CYBERись Belarusian Federation of Phygital Sport Belarus 4 196 7,84
63 Zorachka Belarusian Federation of Phygital Sport Belarus 4 196 7,84
64 AWP Wolfs Electronic Games Association in Iraq Iraq 4 134 5,36
65 Hamdani Team Electronic Games Association in Iraq Iraq 4 134 5,36
66 C-4 Electronic Games Association in Iraq Iraq 4 134 5,36
67 Vavilon Electronic Games Association in Iraq Iraq 4 134 5,36
68 GornjiDonji National Serbian E-Sports Association Serbia 4 128 5,12
69 DELTA National Serbian E-Sports Association Serbia 0 128 0,00
70 90u1 National Serbian E-Sports Association Serbia 0 128 0,00
71 crow Electronic Games Association in Iraq Iraq 0 134 0,00
72 Aama Squad Electronic Games Association in Iraq Iraq 0 134 0,00
73 AFSANA Electronic Games Association in Iraq Iraq 0 134 0,00
74 Strike One Electronic Games Association in Iraq Iraq 0 134 0,00
75 KGI Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 0 267 0,00
76 The Jaegerists Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 0 267 0,00
77 Intercosmics Phygital Sports USA Inc USA 0 267 0,00
78 San Sebastián Belarusian Federation of Phygital Sport Belarus 0 196 0,00
79 Cinnabon Belarusian Federation of Phygital Sport Belarus 0 196 0,00
80 GEJMING HAUS 2 Alliance of electronic sports of Montenegro Montenegro 0 259 0,00
81 Electro House Alliance of electronic sports of Montenegro Montenegro 0 259 0,00
82 Maverick ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 0 248 0,00
83 Asteroides ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 0 248 0,00
84 Work Time III ALUNIA SA DE CV Mexico 0 248 0,00
85 UUNiT ADCS Russian Federation 0 264 0,00
86 RuNik ADCS Russian Federation 0 264 0,00
87 Pskovskaya oblast ADCS Russian Federation 0 264 0,00
88 Kiber Rubezh ADCS Russian Federation 0 264 0,00

These rankings are a glimpse into the future of phygital sports — where the stakes are higher, the competition fiercer, and the rewards greater. Stay tuned as the next steps unfold and prepare for even more groundbreaking moments!